Just got 2lbs of Andrew's new espresso blend as freebies to check out and two pounds of his CoE Brazil 2005.
Brazil - 2005 Cup Of Excellence - Fazenda São Benedito
Farmer: Antônio José Junqueira Villela e outros
(Very Limited Release)
World coffee aficionados were stunned with the results from the 2005 Brazil Cup of Excellence auction. The 1st place winner, Fazenda Santa Ines, fetched a record-shattering price of $49.75 per pound after receiving the highest Cup of Excellence score ever! Quietly, family and friends from neighboring coffee farm Fazenda São Benedito were awarded the 2nd place spot with an international jury score of 92.65, missing the highest rating by a mere half point.
Ecco Caffè invites you to discover São Benedito’s ethereal floral tones, ripe apricot, sweet honey, rich chocolate and lingering caramel finish. This enchanting jewel of a coffee satisfies beautifully from beginning to end. We strongly encourage you to purchase ASAP, since it is an extremely limited release and guaranteed to go fast!
To say Ben, Simon, and I are excited to cup this is an understatement. Simon completely dropped this on me as usual. For once, it was a good surprise. I think Judson will be floored to hear it as he had almost given up hope on Simon ordering more Ecco espresso.
This all happened as Simon finally got around to ordering some consistent espresso from Ecco to be our dedicated guest espresso. Customers had such a warm welcome for the Ecco that we were jonesing to bring it back in. Simon will now be consistently ordering from Ecco and will also sell some retail bags of Ecco to go with our ususal lineup of Terroir coffees.
We will be overflowing with great espresso. A guess we can't call it a guest anymore and will just have to think of a new way to pitch it. If we carry Northern again with Southern from Terroir, an Ecco espresso, an SOS, and then Decaf.... oy, my head is spinning. We may have to do a tasting again as I have had a couple of customers suggest we should do it being fully unaware of our first attempt at a tasting.
A special thanks to Ben for helping set up the preinfusion on the 4g LM. Mark M(the tea guy) was confused by the pressure setup when he tried to get a taste of what was going on one night while I was off. I'll give him a heads up when he gets back from Armenia. Now I have an adjustable preinfusion on the machine. Woo hoo. The shots are smooth and creamy now while crema is much more persistent and dense. I don't even want to get into how many months and how many industry people I went through trying to get preinfusion on the machine and yet no one helped. would've settle for the flow rate screw in the group head... anything really but what ben set up is working very well actually. Thanks again Ben.