Friday, January 01, 2010

Notes from the shop

Several projects underway will be good goals in the New Year. I am looking forward to arrival of the final teas from our travels in Taiwan. There are several new items on the horizon but the teas are particularly exciting.

Looking back on 09, glad it's over. It ended with a flourish of busy heading into Christmas. I won't do a year in review because I have too much work to do in the next week. I will do a review of the last few days before the New Year!

Gus over at Tosci clattered away at his keyboard to produce a piece for the Atlantic that involved a bit of descriptive storytelling involving us. Very nice little read actually.

On new Year's eve, I found myself dropping by Simon's to do equipment maintenance. Had Simon pull be a shot of Sonata 7 that was probably the best shot I have had there since they started serving our coffees exclusively. I would guess they are getting more comfortable with the consistency of having one roast/blend to dial in. Regardless, the shot was good. More volume than I have been pulling S7, but short enough to be layered, sweet, and complex.

Good notes to end the year on.