Friday, February 27, 2009

barismo Shop hours next week...

Our normal hours are 12-6pm Wed through Sun. This coming week though, Ben K. (watch him clench the clipboard all next week!) will be off Judging the United States Barista Competition in Portland. As for myself, I am headed off to Seattle for a few days then will catch up with him later in the week in Portland to watch the stage show. Nik from Taste will be flying out to participate using our espresso in the United States Barista Championship. While Nik has not had a lot of time practicing (because he is busy working a thriving bar), after his recent run in the North East Regional Barista Competition, he had to go for the experience. Coming out of Newton (which is not known as a coffee mecca) with mismatched cups, a tenacious competitive streak, an amazing espresso, and no experience beyond our training, to runner up at the NERBC has been quite the experience (which he will detail someday soon...).

Needless to say, there will be a bare bones staff at the barismo lab next week so the hours will be as follow:
Mar 4th Wed 12-6
Mar 5th Thurs 12-4
Mar 6th Fri 12-6
Mar 7th Sat 12-5
Mar 8th Sun 12-3

Remind Mr. Krankl when you see Nik at Taste to wipe his grinder down then tell him to refill the judge's water (I'd appreciate it if you made the effort, loyal readers, to burn it into his head!). Oh, and tell him good luck!