Saturday, May 20, 2006

Burning at both ends is highly likely...

No posts... no posts... I just want to be alone....

Sorry, Just thinking of Cake's song 'no phone...'

Notes, you say. Where are the damn notes from the cuppings, you say?

Well, we are putting together more than we expected. We were shocked by some results. Incredibly shocked. Ben, Judson, and I were just smashed on espresso after trying one coffee because we drank it all. Every bit. It was so good, we couldn't stop. But, I'll let you know later how all that goes and how you can try to repeat it.

Word of the day: Consistency.

If this were the Colbert Report, I would have a nice rant, but it isn't, and I dont. I've been wrapped up a lot in the last two weeks with this whole consistency issue. Counterproductive but not getting in the way of enjoying a bag of Tegu I got from fellow Terroir account and all around great guy Gus(owner of Toscanini's Ice cream).
Can you say $8.50 for a super Kenyan?
