Sunday, April 30, 2006

Espresso is spelled with an s not an x.

Overview of notes from espresso tasting on the Synesso 4-29-06

Pump pressure set to 8.5 bars.

I will leave out the in between shots and only post the significant notes.

Use a scale if you want to repeat our results ;)

Ecco Reserve from Ecco Caffe

Dose 16g Temp 201F 6sec preinfusion 28s extraction 1.75oz volume

Notes: Sharp Citrus and grainy taste. Pump pressure was too high so we put it from 9.5 to 8.5 bars

Dose 18g Temp 201F 5sec preinfusion 35sec extraction 1oz

Notes: Mellow. Smooth creamy and fabulous classic ristretto flavor but not bitter.

Dose 18g 201F 5sec preinfusion 25s extracion 2oz volume

Notes: Meaty and savory nut flavors. For all these pulls we have used the ridgless LM aka a 16g basket.

Dose 20g 201F 5sec preinfusion 27sec extraction 2oz volume

Notes: Switched to down dosed triple basket and got inconsistent results. Barnett uses more dose but we feel more comfortable with the results in the 16g ridgeless basket. Had trouble with channeling and getting a good shot before exhausting the beans.

Notes on the Ecco Reserve: Fabulous. Ben is in love with this espresso at the moment. Complex and it has play(it works at different but specific temps, doses, and volumes combinations). A smooth/creamy milk chocolate ristretto or a light citrus floral complex nutty profile. It lacks the harshness and intensity but has all the citrus flavors in a clean and controlled flavor. Barnett knows espresso.

Fazenda Cachoeira 2005 crop

using 16g ridgeless again from here on out.

Dose 18g 201F 1.5oz - some citrus

16g 202F 1.25oz - Roasty toasty

Notes: roast was a bit darker than last time. Espresso was very good but paled in comparison the the Ecco Resrve. Light ferment? (ben says)Is that the screen drying?

Conclusions: The Ecco Reserve contains both Daterra reserve and the Cachoeira. Ben inferred he felt the the Cachoeira might be holding it back but I think the combination is something greater than the whole. It's in the cup this time and we can argue over the minute and complex details of the tastes but the reserve was good. Barnett comes from the mold of a barista through and through. It's obvious he cups the espresso himself and pulls shots himself.